Wednesday, May 9, 2007

My daughter's eating habits

hhhhhm, I don't know where to start. I know that my daughter is a "carbon copy" (my cousin's first impression when she saw her) of her dad, but I hate to see her taking after his eating habits. I don't whether to blame him for that or I am not doing the right thing as a mother. Today for instance, I had to trick her by mixing ice cream with some fruit to eat her fruit. She is turning to a sweetholic. It is really bothering me and I don't know what to do about it. I am so looking forward to the summer. I wont have school and I will have more free time to pay attention to her. I know I am going to go through a battle not only with my husband who constantly brings sweet stuff to home, but also with my mother who believe that she needs sweet stuff. Well I need to change my eating habit in terms of coffee and tea. I think we both ought to be on healthier diet.

wish me luck!!


Kuki said...

I guess you need to train your family! Tell them that you will let them give Hannalie one sweet per day. But I know it will be hard to train them. My dad did the same thing when he was here. He would hide the chocolate and give it to her... But I had a very serious talk... And he listened for a while... Then I had another one.... So you have to keep reminding them... But I have also learned that I can't deprive Hannah of everything that is sweet; otherwise, she will start doing things behind my back... Cheers, Kuki

Ms. Sahyouni said...

Happy Mother's Day! After reading your post I can't imagine the predicament you are in with Hannalie! I had no idea that babies could be that picky at such a young age- I thought they just eat everything. Well I think things will get better once you talk with your family and try out new foods and stuff to see if there are healthier alternatives to sweets. Either way I wish you the best of can do it!

La Nueva Madre said...

oh no, now i feel so bad that i brought those sweets to your house! aghh, what a bad friend. i really like holly's idea of finding healthy alternatives though. for example, mixing yogurt with fruit, applesauce, frozen fruit bars. i'm trying this at home for myself. :)

wishing you luck!!!

byebye said...

Happy Mothers,
I liked reading your ideas on how to raise babies which I will use in the future.
Thanks a lot!